1Islam is the last of the religions
Islam is the true religion of God with which he round off the monotheistic religions, and the religion that he accepted for all worlds
And I accept Islam as a religion
sura5 aya3

Islam is not directed at a group or a sect, but rather is directed at all of humanity with their different languages and nationalities. God Almighty says, addressing His Messenger

sura5 aya3

And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner
sura34 aya

Whoever believes in God must believe in all of his divine books, except that all the holy books have been
corrupted, altered and misplaced, with the exception of the Qur’an which God Almighty undertook to preserve until it is raised at the end of time. The text of this verse was mentioned in it:

And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers
sura3 aya85

Meaning that the religion that God wants for humanity is the religion of Islam, and whoever wants something else is a loser in his next life.
2Embrace Islam with evidence, not coercion

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong
sura2 aya256

We do not force anyone to enter into the religion of Islam, because it is clear with evidence and proofs that he does not need to force anyone to enter it, for there are those who were guided by God to Islam and explained his chest and the light of his insight, and he entered into it with evidence, and there are those who have blinded his heart and sealed his hearing and sight, for there is no use To be embraced by force.
.Guidance from God first and foremost

Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills
sura28 aya56.

The mission of the messangers is only to convey the messages of God and guide people to the path
of truth and explain it to them.

And there is not upon the Messenger except the [responsibility for] clear notification
sura24 aya54

And the matter of their guidance is not within the purview of the messangers

But if they turn away - then We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], over them as a guardian; upon you is only [the duty of] notification
sura42 aya42

3Understand Islam well
Islam is not only a religion for the fulfillment of duties and acts of worship, but rather an integrated way of life that calls for progress in all aspects of our life, including what we have learned from the Holy Qur’an and some of which we have found in the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad.
Islam is a religion and life, in matters of obedience and acts of worship, you find it a guide, in our daily matters when sleeping, when eating, when traveling, when riding, when sick, when dealing with people, you also find it a guide and has enacted ethics in how to deal with the best in every part. From these aspects and others, and even be rewarded if you stick to them.
4Find Islam on your own
The negative beliefs of some people about Islam that grew over time and accumulated in their minds to become unacceptable assumptions constituted a very big obstacle for them in understanding the correct approach to the Islamic religion later. And it formed a real contradiction between these beliefs and the reality of this religion, so get rid of your mind from your previous beliefs and start to understand Islam again, search for yourself and you will find there are many sources that convey the correct image to you as it is without misleading or distorting. Search and you will find, it is important to read from a reliable source, and then you have the right to decide what you want.
5The linguistic miracle of the Qur’an
God Almighty revealed His Noble Qur’an to His Prophet Muhammad in the Arabic language, to match the eloquence and miracle of Arab eloquence. The Arabs used to boast of language, eloquence, literature and poetry, so it is more appropriate for the miracle to come from the core of their concerns, as the Qur’an is the eternal miracle to this day.
What I would like to say is that non-Arabic speakers miss this understanding. There is a difference between reading the Qur’an in its mother tongue "Arabic" and reading it as an explanation into another language.
In the Arabic language you find the meaning very deep and eloquent and has a strong influence. This is what you will lose if you do not speak Arabic, but you still touch its impact on your heart when you hear it, it is enough that it is the words of the Lord of the Worlds.
6Islam is not terrorism
Just as terrorism is not Islam, it is unreasonable for God to legislate a religion for us to urge us to spoil on earth or to corrupt people among the people, or to bring down his book, the Qur’an, to teach us murder, theft, lying, betrayal and adultery. Hey, the texts of the verses of the Qur’an have come when there is a revival of this land and what is good for the lives of people.

And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation
sura7 aya56

And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely
sura5 aya32

Evidence and evidence for this is very many from the Qur’an and Sunnah and there is no room for it to be limited. When you read the book and the Sunnah, you find that one of the most important concepts of Islam’s ethics is to cultivate intimacy, love and tolerance between individuals among themselves and groups, encouraging honesty, self-preservation, loyalty, earning lawful money, charity to the neighbor, helping the needy and relieving Distressed etc .... This is one of the ethics of Islam that we learned from childhood.
How can we come and destroy all these morals and describe Islam with something that is not appropriate for it?
.Islam is not befitting of false accusations
more in this link
7My wish ... I hope it is you
) Mohammad
For God, because God guides you one man, is better for you than the
all of grace
I spent a lot of time and effort designing the site and then adding the content until it appeared in this way, counting the reward with God.
My wish is for many people to be guided by him, and if only one man would be sufficient ... I hope it is you.
If you are guided, then thank God that it you that you do so, thank him for that he wanted good for you and made you on the straight path and the clear truth.

Allah leaves whoever He wills to stray and guides whoever He wills to the Straight Way
sura6 aya39 

Pray to me, may God help me and you, and may God bless our master Muhammad and all his family and companions.
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